Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Name Of This Blog

As you might have noticed, (from my past couple posts), I'm participating in Emily's 31 Day of Blogging Challenge. It might be nerdy, but I'm really proud of myself for blogging 3 days in a row (yep, that means I've blogged on the weekend, which is a rarity at best). In all honesty, it is a nice change to write like me, versus in an academic or legal way.

Day 2: Describe the meaning behind your blog name.

"Classes Cases and Chaos"

There really isn't a whole lot to tell about the name of my blog (for a second I thought about making a really cool story, but my brain is in finals mode so I wrote "Once upon a time..." stared at my computer screen, and decided that would have been too much work for a tall tale). I started this blog when I started law school, so the Fall of 2010. I like alliteration, groups of things in threes, and the words covered those prerequisites and were supposed to describe my journey through law school. I originally had the idea that the name would embody descriptions of my classes, my clerkship, and other legal things that would serve as funny antidotes  

However, once I started writing, and looking back at my blog, I feel like my blog best embodies the chaos part of the name, and not chaos like that sexy guy in the All State commercials  named "mayhem". But, as a place that isn't chaos, a place where I'm allowed to write about whatever I feel like, usually things I like, things I don't like. Just my life in general, which has become more chaotic since law school began...and according to a lot of attorneys, will continue to get more chaotic. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend & Thanks for reading!!!

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