Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday...

**Potential Driving Range Time Tonight with one of my favorite boys in the world...even if he does have much better hair, and golf game than me**

**The Girls I am Clerking With...Who Would Have Guessed We'd All Become Such Fast And Fabulous Friends**

**It's 4.43am, and my RUN and Hula-Hooping (my excuse for an ab workout) are DONE**

**I have some super awesome friend-dates lined up over the next couple days!!!**

**This girl got some tan lines**

**Going to do some Back To Mac tonight and get a Free Lipstick**

**Since I'm Awake At The Crack of Dawn...This Totally Means Starbucks On The Way To Work!!!***

**The Week is Half Way OVER**

**Today is the Official First FULL Day Of Summer**

**My To-Do List Is...Shrinking**

**The Jaw-Breakers that I just put in our candy dish at work (delish)**

What are you Loving On This Wednesday!?!?

1 comment:

  1. Haha, I never considered Hula-hooping as a workout, but now that i think about it, that does sound like such a fun way to get moving!
