Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Happy Hump Day!!!
Here's What I'm Loving Today:

*School Starts Tomorrow...I know this might sound more than a little crazy, but I love the rigidity of a schedule--I'm much more productive, focused, and motivated person when I have a set schedule.

* I have to go to a class this Saturday morning, but our professor promised us she would be bringing breakfast.

*Starbucks New Blonde Roast (I add about a 1/2 inch of soy and cinnamon powder to mine)

*MyFitnessPal App which I've been using on my phone. I track the calories I ingest, expend, and have the ability to scan barcodes off of a food package--which automatically inputs the nutritional value. Oh, and the best's free!

*Slimfast Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough 200 Calorie Meal Bars. (I'm not doing the slimfast diet, but sometimes I'm really bad about remembering dinner or lunch or breakfast--or what I bring doesn't sound good--or most typically I'm at work or school and can't exactly sit and enjoy a meal...and as of lately these have been (delicious) lifesavers!)

*An "Adventure" With AB That I'm Starting On Sunday...

*Spinning Class This Morning...and then a Quick Jog After ;)

Everything on this list seems pretty simple, nothing is too exciting...but that's where I'm at today! So tell me, what are you loving today?!

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