Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I have not forgotten

September 11, 2001.

I was in 9th grade honors biology with Mr. Caffey.
My older brother was in school at St. Louis University.
My parents were on a flight to Las Vegas.

One of the administrators came over the intercom and tried to explain, what he couldn't comprehend, to students and teachers what had happened in New York, and then later,  Washington D.C..   

Televisions were set up throughout the school.
Cell Phones were not confiscated, with students and teachers alike calling their loved ones.
Attendance was not taken, but no one seemed to leave.

September 11, 2012

I have not forgotten. 
Listening to the radio on my way to class, I heard various tributes to the armed forces, to the FDNY, NYPD, to the fallen, to the victims. I heard children whose parents died in the towers say "Our Dad isn't gone...Look at us, and you can still see him...We miss you Daddy." I heard a wife of a fallen New York Firefighter thank her husband for the laughter, the smiles, and for how loved she still felt.

So it's my prayer especially that God will Bless America, not only today, but everyday. 

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