Monday, January 14, 2013

Weekend Recap

Monday (I rolled my eyes when I wrote that). I cannot believe it is already the middle of January. My final semester of law school begins on Thursday...I have started to wonder where these past three years have gone. My weekend flew by...and this week is already promising to be an extremely busy , so hopefully (the first half) flies by as well.

Friday night AB and I went out for Sushi (the roll is smothered in guac...combining two of my favorite food groups, mildly questionable, but surprisingly delish) and a Fishbowl...I promise it looks super imposed in the picture, and that it took us a really long time to finish it. The bottom picture is after the fishbowl. Success.

Saturday involved retail (work, not therapy), pet sitting for two of my favorite puppies (Bailey and Zoey), meeting my Godfather for coffee, and a little bit of fun...Moscow Mules, Curry Fries & Spicy Kabob, and spending some time with some of my favorite dudes while watching the Packers/49er's Game and schooling them at darts. 

Sunday again involved retail (again, work, not shopping), a trip to Costco with Dad--where he bought me their soft serve ice cream for breakfast (no wonder he and I are best friends), spending time with the adorable Bailey and Zoey, a coffee date with my Godmother (I had so much fun...we talked for 2 hours), watching the Golden Globes Red Carpet with my parents...and working on our Jessup International Moot Court Memorials (Briefs) that are due this coming Tuesday. 

How was your weekend? Any big/exciting plans this coming week?

Happy Monday & Thanks for Reading


  1. Love the "after" picture! What would our lives be like without fishbowls?
    You got me back -- now I'M craving sushi....

    Go Niners! (used to be Go Seahawks...sad trombone)

  2. Guacamole and sushi are two of my very favorite foods. I'm sure guac would work on sushi, I mean, there are already avocados in a lot of rolls so why not smoosh it up and make it extra magical?

    And WOW it's almost your LAST semester of law school. Let that sink in. How freaking awesome. It'll fly by, I'm sure. Congrats girl!

  3. Sounds like a great weekend... ice cream for breakfast is the best! Good luck with your last semester. Next week I'll be starting my last semester of undergrad. Where does the time go!?

    xx Ani
