Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 17

Today is the seventeenth day of blogging in Emily's (over at Blue Dog Belle) thirty-one days of blogging challenge. The prompt for today is: If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why. Could this be anymore of a thought-provoking post? I've been pondering this question all weekend. I thought about trading places with  God (but Bruce Almighty ruined that idea for me...), I thought about trading places with Santa (but I don't like being cold, reindeer aren't really up my alley, and he's in "busy season" right now), I also thought about trading places with Princess Kate (but her current condition and excess morning sickness are NOT something I want to experience). 

So, after all this stressing thinking about who I would trade places with, and who I would want to be for a day. I couldn't think of anyone. I don't think I would want to trade being me...even if it is just for a day.  I have the best family and friends that anyone could want. I'm happy with where I am in life, who I have in my life, and what I'm accomplishing at this point in my life. Life is good. I have a lot to be thankful for, and this prompt, really put that into perspective for me.

Who would you want to trade places with for a day?


  1. That must mean that you're truly happy and content.

    I would totally switch places with someone else for a day, if just to see a new prospective on life. Ideally it would be with someone whose life is drastically more fabulous than mine :)

  2. That's good that you're loving life too much to want to switch with anyone! I think I would want to switch for a day with someone who is totally out of my realm and lifestyle. My first choice would probably be Duchess Catherine - I'd love to see the palace and see what life as a royal is like! Along those lines, maybe the President, although I'm not sure I could handle the stress. And, for total fun and craziness, I'd kind of love to be one of the Real Housewives for a day. I could never put up with all their drama for longer than a day, but I'd love to check out their lavish lifestyle for a little bit!
