Friday, December 28, 2012

Confessional Friday

I'm linking up with the stunning and fashionable Leslie over at A Blonde Ambition today for a Confessional Friday Post! I haven't done one of these for awhile, and I feel like my thoughts are kinda a mish mash today, so I figured this was a good way to sort them out... without confusing me (or you) too much :) TGIF

1) I've turned into a lightweight. I had a Holiday Dinner/Favorite Drink Exchange with a group of girlfriends last night...had one huge glass of Sangria, and had to give myself a pep talk to get out of bed this morning and then had to give myself even more of a rousing version of the same talk ("Okay's Friday, your headache will go can get a big coffee on the way to probably don't look as awful as you feel...") to get out of the shower.

2) I feel lost without my favorite TV shows. When it's cold outside it's one of my favorite things to curl up with a blanket and watch the latest episodes, and covet the wardrobes of my favorite characters (Olivia Pope, Serena VanDerWoodsen). No Scandal, Grey's Anatomy, New Girl, Nashville, Glee, Smash, etc. Until Mid January/February.

3) I am over the cold and snow. And (as my mom reminded me when I was complaining about the temperatures) winter started a little over a week ago. Awesome. 

4) I worked retail on Christmas Eve (lately I've been in the back doing online orders and pretending that I'm an elf (because that's normal)...but I was on the floor that day). I have to confess that Christmas Eve Shoppers are my most favorite of the Holiday Shopper Crowd--they're happy, they buy gift cards (or the entire outfits I suggest), and they seem to be in the spirit of the season.  (I also think this picture could be on awkward (work) family photos).

5) I have no idea what to wear for NYE. I'm going to a nice (dressy) event, and I can't decide if I should wear one of the million handful black dresses I already have, or if I should buy a new dress...and if I do should it be short or long...or should I wear a colored dress..or should I do "rent the runway?" Any help/thoughts/suggestions would be fabulous.

TGIF & Thanks For Reading.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Rules Of A Lady

I found these "Rules of a Lady" on Pinterest the other day, and wanted to share them with you. Some of these are good reminders, others (like #71) are good for a giggle, and some are definitely applicable to where I am in life right now (#16, #53, #106).

I'm curious... What rules would you add to this list?
I would add: "You Can Never Be Over Dressed or Over Educated"-Oscar Wilde
"Be So Good They Can't Ignore You."- Steve Martin
"Intelligence without Ambition is a Bird without Wings."- Salvador Dali

Thanks for Adding & Thanks for Reading :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Day 26: Thankful

On the 26th day of her 31 Days of Blogging Challenge, Emily from Blue Dog Belle, asked me to: "List Ten Things You Are Thankful For." Sometimes during the Holiday (and Law School Finals) Season it is hard to remember an attitude of gratitude. I really liked this prompt, it reminded me of all the wonderful things and people that I'm lucky enough to have in my life. And since it's 11.30 (I watched Cheer Perfect with some girlfriends, so I didn't finish this like I thought I would)...I'm going to share with you 5 things that I'm thankful for:

1. My Twin Nephews: C (is on the Left) and G (is on the Right). I'm thankful for how perfect (yes, I'm biased) they are, and how much love I have in my heart for them (I can't believe they are only 6 days old today!!!). I swear there is really nothing better (as of late) than holding/cuddling with a baby.

2. My Parents. Both my mom and dad had some severe (and unrelated) health problems this fall--they were in two different hospitals at the same time, although my mom was in for quite a bit longer than dad. (I can't lie--it was probably the most scared and lost I've ever felt in my life). They are both doing so well now, it's nothing short of miraculous. I'm thankful that they are here and that they are healthy. I'm thankful that they are really good roommates...and they've not only unconditionally loved me, but put up with me for twenty-six years (which I can promise, and they would tell you, is no easy task). 

3. Law School & Work. I'm so grateful that I made the right choice to begin law school right after I finished undergraduate. Furthermore I'm so blessed to have a clerkship that is really a perfect fit for me. I've second guessed school at times, but am so thankful for the opportunities and friends that it has brought my way...I can't wait to see what the future holds in regards to my legal career, this is definitely a fun and exciting time in my life that I'm grateful for. It's one of those moments where I can think (and giggle) that "My future's so bright I better be wearin some shades..." hahaha!

4. Friends. When it comes to friends, I honestly feel like I am so undeserving, but blessed with the most amazing women and men who I get to call my friends. I have so many friends that I refer to as my "Best" friend, or as a "Close" friend, and I feel like each and every friend of mine is that. I have had a rough month so far (although this past week has been amazing) and the outpouring of love and support (and numerous some I told you sos) from my friends has reminded me how important friendship is, and how important being a friend can be. 

5. Faith. I don't normally talk about religion or faith on my blog, so this will be very concise. I'm thankful that I can pray, go to church, and love God... I'm thankful that actions speak much louder than words when it comes to faith... and I'm thankful that Jesus not only Loves me...but Loves EVERYONE.  

What are you thankful for?

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas.
I hope today (and everyday) is filled with warmth, the spirit of giving, happiness, love, and family. 

Friday, December 21, 2012

Day 21:I'm In Love

The 21st day of Blogging, in Emily's (from Blue Dog Belle) 31 day of blogging challenge asks me to: Share a picture of something that makes me happy.

My Brother and Sister-In-Law welcomed these precious baby boys into the world yesterday afternoon (I'm a first time Auntie and my parents are first time grandparents!!!). To say this picture makes me happy is an understatement of epic proportions. I couldn't be more in love with these perfect (and beautiful) angels.

Happy Friday & Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Day 18: Looking To The Future

Today, the eighteenth day of blogging in Emily's (from Blue Dog Belle) 31 Days of Blogging challenge focuses upon the future. It asks about my hopes, wishes, and dreams for my future. 

My hopes, wishes, and dreams are (what I believe to be) pretty simple and very attainable. I want to graduate law school (in May), pass the Bar Exam (in July), and find a job (either before or after I pass the Bar). I want to be debt free in regards to law school and buying a house by the time I'm 31 (maybe 32). I want to get married and have kids. I want to accomplish something great. I want to have the ability to give back.  I want to have the ability to travel, shop, and enjoy life. I want people to think of me as someone with integrity, someone they respect, someone who is a good person.  Just like I said... pretty simple and attainable ;)

Hope you're all having a wonderful Tuesday & Thanks for reading. 

Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 17

Today is the seventeenth day of blogging in Emily's (over at Blue Dog Belle) thirty-one days of blogging challenge. The prompt for today is: If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be and why. Could this be anymore of a thought-provoking post? I've been pondering this question all weekend. I thought about trading places with  God (but Bruce Almighty ruined that idea for me...), I thought about trading places with Santa (but I don't like being cold, reindeer aren't really up my alley, and he's in "busy season" right now), I also thought about trading places with Princess Kate (but her current condition and excess morning sickness are NOT something I want to experience). 

So, after all this stressing thinking about who I would trade places with, and who I would want to be for a day. I couldn't think of anyone. I don't think I would want to trade being me...even if it is just for a day.  I have the best family and friends that anyone could want. I'm happy with where I am in life, who I have in my life, and what I'm accomplishing at this point in my life. Life is good. I have a lot to be thankful for, and this prompt, really put that into perspective for me.

Who would you want to trade places with for a day?

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Day 15: Shufflin'

Today is the fifteenth day of blogging of Emily's (from Blue Dog Belle) thirty-one days of blogging challenge! The challenge for today is: "Turn your iPod on shuffle and share the first ten songs" (LOVE this!!!) I just did this at the gym--which made my cardio fly by since I was focusing so much on the music (and memorizing the order of the songs).  If nothing else, my taste in music can definitely be described as eclectic:

*Golden Slumbers--the Beatles
*Lost! --Coldplay 
*In For The Kill--Skrillex feat. La Roux
*Calling You--Blue October
*I Dreamed a Dream--Les Miserables
*Edge of Glory--Lady Gaga
*Hurt--Johnny Cash

Happy Saturday Friends & Thanks for Reading

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Day 13: 5 Favorite Books

I can't believe it's the 13th day of Emily's (from Blue Dog Belle) 31 Day Blogging Challenge. I also can't believe that December is close to being halfway over. Crazy. I'm posting today after my Criminal Law final, and turning in my take-home exam for Children Family & the State. I am so so so excited that I only have one semester of law school left (crazy)...and a generous break from school (over a month off). I'll be doing a lot of clerking, house-sitting, working some retail (shopping), and spending some quality time with my friends, and some quality time at Lifetime (to negate the eating and drinking done during that quality time with my friends). Today's question asks: "What are your Five favorite books, and why?" Since I have finals brain and still don't feel very good...I'm only going to do three books (sorry!!!)

The Harry Potter Series
I started reading this series in Middle School (7th Grade) and I was hooked. There was something about the magic J.K. Rowling described in each and every book, that still has me waiting for my Hogwarts letter. I also loved the themes about good ultimately defeating evil, love conquering all, and of course that there is magic in everyday life. This is one of my favorite series to go back and reread, and one of my favorite movie series (which is surprising because I don't normally care for the adaption of a book into a movie).

Gone with the Wind
I fell in love with this book by Margaret Mitchell when I was a young girl. I read this epic book over and over again. The love story between Scarlett and Rhett (still gives me goosebumps), the historical perspective  (not only in this novel but also the sequel "Scarlett"), and the quotes. "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn..." "I can't think about this right now...I'll think about it tomorrow." "With courage you can do with a reputation." Actually after sharing about this book with you, I think I'm going to read it once or twice over break (and watch the movie too...)

Blue Like Jazz
My dad bought me this book years ago. It's falling apart, marked up (more than any of my textbooks), and even contains one of my favorite quotes about God and spirituality: I never liked jazz music because jazz music doesn't resolve. But I was outside the Bagdad Theater in Portland one night when I saw a man playing the saxophone. I stood there for fifteen minutes, and he never opened his eyes. After that I liked jazz music. Sometimes you have to watch somebody love something before you can love it yourself. It is as if they are showing you the wayI used to not like God because God didn't resolve. But that was before any of this happened.”  Every time I re read this book, I find something new--something applicable--something inspiring.

What are you favorite reads?!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Sick Day

What does a really bad sinus infection/earache/sore throat/cough + a take home final to finish + a semester worth of criminal law to learn by 830 tomorrow morning?

Definitely a sick day from my blog :(

If you can please send some positive thoughts and prayers my way--I can use them.
I'll be back tomorrow blogging on the 13th day of Em's challenge!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Day 11: Bucket List

On the eleventh day of blogging, Emily (from Blue Dog Belle) prompted me to:
Write a Bucket List of things you want to do before you die. The good news is that I'm planning on being around for a long time, the bad news is that if I wrote my entire bucket list out--I think you would all be really mad--because it would be the longest post EVER! So, here are just a few highlights =D

  • Do an IRONMAN Triathlon (hopefully I can do this in the next 4 years prior to turning 30) 
  • Visit every continent with the exception of Antarctica (being cold is definitely NOT in my wheelhouse)
  • Publish a novel
  • Get to my goal weight (which is definitely happening prior to me graduating in May).
  • Become fluent in Spanish
  • Learn to do my always looks so good after my stylist does it...but I'm all thumbs when it comes to me trying it. 
  • Buy a House (and pinterest decorate each and every room)
  • Have a wardrobe that envies Olivia Pope (from Scandal) and Emily VanCamp (from Revenge)
  • Graduate Law School (May)... Pass the Bar (July)... Get a Job
  • Do something that not only allows me to give back but changes the world for the better. 
That's it for my abridged bucket list... What's on your bucket list? How has your list changed over the years?

Monday, December 10, 2012

Day 10: Feelings and Music

On the tenth day of blogging, Emily from Blue Dog Belle, asked me: "What are the songs you listen to when you are (1) Happy, (2) Sad, (3) Bored, (4) Hyped, and (5) Mad?" I loved this prompt because I tend to relate my feelings to lyrics or songs in general. Actually (little known fact), I used to write songs when I was little with my friend Morgan (we called ourselves "Reality"), so they lyrics have always been more than just poignant words to me. So this was an easy and fun blog for me to write!

My Happy Song:
The Beatles "I want to hold your hand"
No matter my mood, this song always makes me smile. My dad loves "The Beatles," and this was one of my favorite songs to listen to with him when I was younger--even now (it also was the song that sold me on The Beatles). In a way this song would be the song that brings my dad to mind (who like the song can make me smile no matter my mood). I love the Glee version of this song, because I was really able to not only listen to, but to appreciate the lyrics. 

My Sad Song:
Billy Joel "Vienna"
I can't put my finger on why this is my sad song, but it gets me every time. I first heard this song when I saw 13 going on 30, ad at the time it seemed so profound. Actually to this day, the words seem so profound--but in a completely different way. I think the best emotion word that I have when I hear this song would be "wistful." 

My Bored Song:

Regina Spektor "The Call"
I first heard this song on a long bike ride this past summer. I think it's my bored song because when I don't know what to listen to, or when I'm studying, I'll search this song and listen to it, at times over and over. I love the words--and of course the beautiful orchestra music throughout the song.

My Hyped Song:
Pitbull: "Give Me Everything."
This song is one of my favorite songs to get ready to when I'm going out with  my girlfriends (I also love hearing it while I'm working out). And it's one of my favorites to hear when I'm out with certain singalong dance party type of girlfriends! When I was in wine country last year--this was on a mix that M and I listened to while going from vineyard to vineyard. My cousin C and I call this our going out song. 

My Mad Song:
The Temper Trap: "Sweet Disposition."
This song was really difficult for me, because I don't really get mad. I think 'hurt' would describe my mad. When I'm hurt, or upset, I usually go to the gym--and try to listen to certain songs over and over. The last time I was hurt (this past week), this song was on repeat while I was working out. Although there has to be some sort of irony in the fact that the artist performing my "mad" song is called "The Temper Trap"!

Fill me in, what are your go to songs for these emotions?
Thanks For Reading. oxo

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 9: So Proud

Today is Ninth Day of the 31 Day of Blogging Challenge by Emily over at Blue Dog Belle.

Day 9 asks me to share with you "Something I am proud of over the past few days..."  I really didn't know how to, or where to, begin this post! I don't really take pride, or feel like telling others that I'm proud of the little things, the things that I do on a regular basis.

Over the past few days:
  • I've gotten one take home final (due Friday) completed (so that brings the tally up to 2 finals down..3 finals to go). 
  • I found out that the Court of Appeals wrote out the reasons in their own brief affirming an appellate brief I wrote (as a Senior Certified Law Student) for work (way cool)!
  • I've been giving myself an hour every day (not when I'm sleeping), when I step away from technology--no Phone, Television, Computer, etc. It surprised me how relaxing that hour is, and how I've come to look forward to that time!
As much as I dreaded this topic, because I don't like bragging or when people brag--it makes me really uncomfortable. I think I should be more aware of the little things that I accomplish and celebrate those little things, instead of always waiting for the big accomplishment. So, those few things are what I'm proud of today...What are you proud of today?

Thanks for reading. oxo

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Day 8-Short Term Goals

It's Day 8 of Emily from Blue Dog Belle 31 Day of Blogging Challenge! Today is all about sharing with you my short term goals for the month of December.

Considering finals end for me this coming Thursday (the 13th), I only have a couple weeks to make and achieve goals for this month--so luckily this post is about short term goals. 

*Get on a regular & consistent gym schedule.

*Grow my nails and keep polish on them (after finals are over...I'm trying to be realistic here, ha ha)

*Get on a regular sleep schedule (this is also contingent on finals ending)

*Cook one new item per week. (I'm counting the cookie bars I made today as my new item for this week!!! (they're sooooooo good, like melt in your mouth good)

*Remember to take my multi-vitamin and fish oil on a daily basis.

Nothing too exciting and nothing too earth shattering here, but a few things that I want to accomplish prior to the month end, and I think they're realistic enough for me to accomplish without spending too much time and energy trying to attain them. 

Thanks for Reading! oxo

Day 7: Gym Bag

Is it really day 7 of Emily's 31 Day of Blogging Challenge? I cannot believe how quickly this past week has gone, nor do I have any idea where the week went. My weekend is filled with house/pet/baby-sitting, studying for my 2 finals next week, putting the finishing touches on my take home finals, doing some promotional work, working out, and trying to finish the to-do list I made for myself on Monday. 

The post today is about "What is in your bag..." My purse is currently in finals mode (I would be really embarrassed to show a picture til after finals due to the large amounts of candy and outlines inside of it), so I decided to show you what I always keep in my gym bag. 

I always use some sort of cleansing face wipe prior to my workout because I don't want to clog my pores while I'm working out, plus no one can really pull off the looking good with makeup running down their face look (or no one that I've seen anyway). My dermatologist has made me believe that this is one of the most important things I can do to my face prior while working out. Since I can't quite use Oxy wipes on my eyes, I always keep Baby Wipes in my bag for removing my eye makeup prior to working out. Finally I love using a facial scrub post workout--getting a deeper clean than I would with a face wash.

I always have some sort of shampoo and conditioner...Which is one of those things I'm saying and wondering if you're reading you're thinking "Thank you Captain Obvious!" I also keep a wide tooth comb, since I'm usually using it for wet hair. I keep hair ties (it surprises me how easy it is to forget these), a Lulu Lemon Flyaway Tamer headband for my workouts...and Finally, my secret weapon favorite: Miss Jessie's Quick Curls which I'll put in my wet hair--put my hair and a bun--and wake up, or end my day with amazing, shiny, non-frizzy curly hair. 

Body Wash, Lotion, a Disposable Razor. In regards to the first two, I really try to have moisturizing body wash and lotion because my skin gets so dry in the winter (ick!). My must have to shower at the gym: Flip Flops.  I've found that my Havanas last the longest, and are pretty "slip proof." 

I've forgotten my shoes before, so usually keep my shoes next to my gym bag "airing out...", I am almost obsessed with my polar heart rate monitor. It's one of my favorite things in my gym back, also it keeps the most accurate count of my calories when I work out--which is such a great motivator for me. Finally deodorant...Duh!

Oh, and if you can believe this--everything (minus the shoes) goes in my little reusable bag from Lulu Lemon. I use this because it's easy to carry into the shower areas--I don't mind if it gets wet, etc. and because it does such a great job of keeping all my gym things organized.

So, what's in your gym bag?!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 6: Superhero

Today is the sixth day of blogging in Emily's (from Blue Dog Belle) 31 day of blogging challenge. This post challenged me in that when I asked my mom "Who was my favorite superhero growing up?" She had to remind me that the only comic books I found acceptable were Betty and Veronica (Veronica was my favorite). Thankfully, because of baby-sitting coupled with the fact that I love movies, I do have a small amount of knowledge to answer the day six question: "Who is your favorite Superhero and Why..."

My favorite Superhero is a Super Heroine: Wonder Woman

-I like her because she is her own heroine--she doesn't play second fiddle to a hero (bat girl, spider woman, etc).
-I appreciate that she doesn't lead a double life (Lois Lane a la Superwoman, Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, etc.), and isn't an evil super heroine (From what I know, I think Elketra and Cat woman were trouble)
-She her outfit (gear?) is extremely patriotic...I mean who else can pull off high black boots and a leotard that well?
-I didn't realize this but she used to be an icon for feminists. I think it's great that someone created in 1941 was able to inspire girls and women alike that they can do anything... and they too can save the world!
-Great Hair...even though it looks sort of blue instead of black in the above picture. She is total inspiration when I do  my hair in hot rollers.

So, who is your favorite super hero or heroine and why?!
Thanks for reading!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Place

Day 5, on the 31 days of blogging challenge, put on by Emily over at Blue Dog Belle, asks for a place where you've been. 

In the past months, I've gone somewhere once or twice almost every month. In most of my pictures that showcased the scenery I was with S. Or they were pictures of libations or culinary delights that didn't really do that place justice... 

So, my place is represented by the above picture, which is the place that I'm currently in. 
It's not necessarily a bad place (like I had thought it would be), or a place that I'm dying to get out of (like I thought I would want). It's just the place where I currently am right now (tall boots and all)...and I kind of like it.

Thanks for reading. 

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Bad Habit

Day Four of Emily's (over at Blue Dog Belle) Thirty One day blogging challenge was particularly difficult for me: "A Habit You Wish You Didn't Have." I legitimately went 'job interview' in my brain: "I wish I wasn't so punctual, I was I wasn't so driven, I wish I wasn't such a team player..."and so on. But then I realized this is my blog, and I'm not blogging to impress anyone (unless someone is reading this post who wants to hire me post law school, then all those habits are true)! 

I wish I wasn't so type-a. I know that probably sounds like a job interview answer, but it is true. It frustrates me when things I compartmentalize or organize, and then expect go a certain way--do the exact opposite. The time I spend dwelling on what I could have done differently, what I plan to do the next time, or what went wrong, is precious time--and something that I can't get back. 

With the type-a personality, I'm also very schedule driven. My life planner is filled out with color coded pens, my Google calendar is obsessively constantly updated, and my iPhone's calendar is updated the moment something comes up, or changes. My friends laugh when I schedule girls nights weeks or months out, study groups begrudgingly accept  my need for a schedule for the entire semester at the start of the semester, and my to-do list is extensive and has been referred to as "over the top" once or twice. 

So my bad habit is me being type-a: something that is so ingrained into who I am as a person. The good news is that this bad habit fits well with my chosen profession, school, and who I am. I'm driven, motivated (most days) and have really big dreams goals for my maybe I should start viewing type-a as a good thing, and not a bad habit.

What are some of your bad habits?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Throwback Photo

The third day of the 31 Day of Blogging Challenge by Emily over at Blue Dog Belle is to show all of you: a picture of me as a child. I have a few pictures that are "go-to" because I have them framed and up in my room, or I've previously used them on here. However, since I wanted to procrastinate studying for finals and working on my take home exam going outside the box with this challenge... I thought I would find something that I haven't used on this blog before:

This picture was taken in the Summer of 1991 (so I would have been 4 years old). My longest friend Morgan is on the left, and I'm on the right. I never noticed this until I was studying it today, but I love how we were both in dresses and bows for our playdate, and our healthy lunches.

My favorite part about this picture is that it is an incredible reminder to me that Morgan's and my friendship has not only withstood the test of time and distance, but our friendship is  always constant. We can go for months without seeing each other, and then pick up exactly where we left off.  Morgan is one of the few people that can read me quite well, and one of the only people, if not the only person, who calls me out when I need a wake up call in certain areas of my life. She is someone I know that if I need her, she'll be there, or on the phone, or facetime at the drop of a hat. She really is a true friend, and I'm lucky that she is my longest friend.

Writing this post and seeing this picture made me happy!
Thanks for reading & Happy Monday. oxo

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Name Of This Blog

As you might have noticed, (from my past couple posts), I'm participating in Emily's 31 Day of Blogging Challenge. It might be nerdy, but I'm really proud of myself for blogging 3 days in a row (yep, that means I've blogged on the weekend, which is a rarity at best). In all honesty, it is a nice change to write like me, versus in an academic or legal way.

Day 2: Describe the meaning behind your blog name.

"Classes Cases and Chaos"

There really isn't a whole lot to tell about the name of my blog (for a second I thought about making a really cool story, but my brain is in finals mode so I wrote "Once upon a time..." stared at my computer screen, and decided that would have been too much work for a tall tale). I started this blog when I started law school, so the Fall of 2010. I like alliteration, groups of things in threes, and the words covered those prerequisites and were supposed to describe my journey through law school. I originally had the idea that the name would embody descriptions of my classes, my clerkship, and other legal things that would serve as funny antidotes  

However, once I started writing, and looking back at my blog, I feel like my blog best embodies the chaos part of the name, and not chaos like that sexy guy in the All State commercials  named "mayhem". But, as a place that isn't chaos, a place where I'm allowed to write about whatever I feel like, usually things I like, things I don't like. Just my life in general, which has become more chaotic since law school began...and according to a lot of attorneys, will continue to get more chaotic. 

Hope everyone had a great weekend & Thanks for reading!!!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Day 1- Fifteen Facts

The first post from Emily's  31 day challenge is to share:
"15 interesting facts about yourself and a recent picture of yourself."

I don't think law school lends itself to me becoming more of an interesting person, so don't blame yourself (or me)... if start snoring while reading some of these.

1) I drink all hot drinks (coffee, cocoa, tea) through a straw.  

2) I can tell a huge difference between diet coke and diet pepsi, and even can diet coke versus fountain diet coke. When it comes to diet coke, some might say I have a refined pallet.

3) I have all my "lifelines" picked out, for if I ever got on Who wants to be a millionaire?

4) Once in a blue moon I'll buy scratch tickets, but only the crossword puzzle kind, because they make me feel like I'm doing something mentally stimulating. 

5) I always have grandma candy (nips, caramels, etc.) in my purse.

6) I know all the words to Don McLean's "American Pie" because I used to sing it as a lullaby when I would babysit since it was such a long song.

7) I pick at my nails when I'm stressed. Since it's finals time, they're quite short.

8)I always order my drinks (soda, water) with no ice. 

9) I love traveling within the US, so I've made sure I get to take a fun trip every month from January until I graduate in May! 

10) I love reading. It's a total guilty pleasure. I'm also a speed reader (like Harry Potter cover-to-cover in 3 hours).

11) I've never been to Europe (gasp!), I'm hoping this coming summer  to go after the Bar Exam in July.

12) My favorite thing to sleep in is a well work sweatshirt from elementary school that says "Off To See The Wizard..." 

13) I can usually define different parts of my life by a song. If I could sing, and if life were like Glee, I would constantly  burst into impromptu songs.

14) I'm a surprisingly good matchmaker. However, my track record when it comes to my own relationships bleak.

15) I've been wearing Dolce & Gabanna's Light Blue since middle school. It's definitely my favorite, and go to, fragrance...It also gets the most compliment of any scent that I've ever worn.

And the recent picture from a week ago... pre sushi and cocktails with my friend EH.

Hope everyone has a great Saturday. 
Thanks for reading.