Now, I really dislike numbers. I weighed _ _ _._ at the end of the day. I've never weighed myself at the end of the day...and I can totally see why. I'm rationalizing the you-know-what out of that number. Clearly it has to be a mistake--I ingested too much salt, I didn't drink enough water, I didn't go to the bathroom before using the scale...Trust me, the past half hour has proven to me that I am one of the most creative people I know--or the best at rationalizing things that cannot or should not be rationalized.
Am I sad? No. Am I basing my self worth on this number? Absolutely not. Is it a good wake up call? Yes. Yes. Yes. Unfortunately this wake up call just brings about more numbers. I
Am I going to start counting every calorie that I ingest...(insert evil laughter) wish. However, I do want to be a lot more attentive to my workouts, my weight, and maybe even that oh-so-coveted size that I wouldn't mind fitting into :)
So friends...on this fabulous Friday...what's your number? ;)
Thanks for reading!