Thursday, April 28, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

I got to thinking about relationships. There are those that open you up to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, those that bring up lots of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected, those that bring you far from where you started, and those that bring you back. But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, that's just fabulous.
-Carrie Bradshaw "SATC"

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

An Open Forum on Mr. Wrong

A well meaning friend commented (via facebook) about a Mr. Wrong post.  "Do you ever wonder if the need to write about Mr. Wrong will lead you to labeling Mr. Right as another Mr. Wrong because of some small flaw? just a thought..."   Initially when I read his comment I pondered deleting it.  But the more I processed it, I realized there could be some truth to his statement...and then I start to wonder--is this how people who read my blog or people who know me in real life see me?  Flitting from (bad) date to (bad) date...or even worse going on dates that I know will end in destruction just so I can post about being hurt, confused, bemused, insulted or just sad?  I'm sorry if that is the opinion that you've gained from reading my Mr. Wrong Wednesdays.    I would never toy with someone's emotions, get their hopes up, or go on a date with them if I weren't genuinely interested in them.  I wouldn't use someone just for a blog post, or for a story that I could get some laughs about, the bottom line is I wouldn't use someone.  And, I hope no one would use me. 

Here are a few things that you may not know about me on my quest to find a Mr. Right:

*Only One out of the Thirteen Mr. Wrong's I've written about has been during the time I've been in Law School.  I desperately wish I had the time, effort, and energy to speed date--but I don't.  The other twelve that I've shared have been over the past few years.

*I'm not opposed to finding a Mr. Right, in fact I really I hope I do, (actually I hope he finds me :-D) or maybe I have one right now...which could very well be one of the reasons I haven't blogged about anyone that may be my Mr. Right.

*I have a very specific list of what I'm looking for in the opposite sex, and I won't amend any of the items on it.  I started it when I was really young. I would pray for my future husband and certain qualities would come to mind--so I would jot them down.  I still do the same thing, but through trial and error (okay, lots of error) there are even more qualities (and most are more specific than they were at a younger age) that I've found that are extremely important for me to have in a someone I'm dating, and then a future spouse.

Last night, I pulled out my prayer journal from when I was younger, and my journal from now, and found some of the qualities I'm looking for in a Mr. Right and thought I would just share a few with you:

*(5th grade) I hope he prays for me too...

*(8th grade--hello awkward stage) I hope he holds my hand when no one is looking...and has had braces too so he has good teeth (to this day teeth are one of the first things I notice)...and loves Jesus.

*(10th grade) I hope he sees me as beautiful, so one day I can do the same.

*(12th grade) I want him to laugh at my jokes, even if they're not funny but know that I'm trying to be funny.

*(Freshman Year of College) I wonder if he's out there.

*(Junior Year of College) I want someone who wakes up before me (my friend Emily B coined this term during the summer after our freshman year of college) not only literally but figuratively.  Someone who motivates me to be the best me--drives me to succeed--and is even more ambitious than me!

*(Student Teaching) I hope he wants to travel, wants to have 2 kids...and has good taste in shoes, purses, and bling (what can I say--champagne taste on a beer budget).

*(Last Month) I want butterflies, chemistry, and heart-pounding love.   I also hope that he'll always think I'm the most beautiful girl in the room...and I'll think the same about him.

 I guess I posted this with the intention of showing you a different, more honest, less cynical side.  I know my true love is out there...but until then I'll keep praying...and posting.


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Brought To You By The Letter A...

Anxious--My first final is this afternoon (property), with 4 more to go...I don't think I've stopped finger tapping and leg shaking since yesterday.

Ambitious--Running a half marathon with my sister-in-law this coming weekend (Sunday) after not training like I should have (on a side note I'll have some cute pictures to post next week).

Adventurous--The Inaugural Lucky Bucket Trail Run.  I know I can run a 5k, a 10k, and even half marathons...yet I've heard trail runs are worse than all three combined.  (I'm not gonna lie the Beer at Mile 2, and the after party following the race played a part in me signing up)!

Adverse--Our main issue in Legal Research and Legal Writing & Lawyering Skills this year was Adverse Possession  (obtaining ownership of property through actual, continuous, hostile, exclusive, open and notorious possession (in most states for 10 years) by a claimant).  If only I could adversely possess Prince William or Josh Groban. le sigh...

Awe-Inspiring--Carrie Underwood's performance of "How Great Thou Art" (I got chills by the end of it (not to mention it is one of my most favorite hymns of all time)).

Awkward--Bursting out laughing at while studying thanks to texts or BBMs from my (very funny) friends...while I'm sitting at a table alone. (See the example below)

"I'm considering buying half off Easter candy so I can eat my feelings."
"Oh...I did that already. I've already had 3 packages of peeps, 1 bag of Hershey kisses, 2 cadbury eggs and a bag of Reese's egg thingys--I got Starbucks too. FML."
"Nice...are you doing anything for lunch?"
"Sushi so I can have some more candy for dessert...wanna grab dinner later?"

Hope you're Tuesday is Awesome, Amazing and Altruistic :)


Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday Musings

*Friday Night I had a much needed girls night in complete with Wine, Blue Cheese Stuffed Bread from Le Quartier (they daily sell out of this within hours of opening--I'm really trying to refrain from buying any til finals are over), Artichoke--Tomato--Black Olive Tampanade, Blue Cheese and Almond Dip, Pears, and some Yummy Treats.  I tried to be artsy (see picture) but it didn't really work out!  It was such a treat to just sit and talk about boys (okay, one in particular), growing up, our obsession with the Real Housewives, our families, etc.  After indulging in one of these nights I always wish I did them more frequently...but I suppose they wouldn't be as special or wonderful then.
*Tomorrow (Tuesday), two weeks of finals begin.  That might not sound too bad...but if you'll indulge me, I'd love to explain why my life will be miserable for two weeks.  Law School Finals:  During our first year, each law student takes the exact same classes (contracts, property, constitutional law, civil procedure, torts, and legal writing)...we don't get grades in those classes, we don't have assignments in those classes (although the Socratic Method lends to intense preparation for each and every class), and we don't have quizzes, midterms, etc.  Enter final exams.  For every class our final is our only grade for our class.  Scary, huh?  Yep, one grade per class per semester.  And if that wasn't fun enough--each Professor looks for a different writing style, some what the rules stated out of the restatement, others want our interpretation of the law...some want us to spot only their issues, while others want us to go on a wild goose chase and spot any and every issue.  Some of our 3 hour exams (Yes, 3 hours per exam) are 85% multiple choice, others are 100% essay...This little diatribe--doesn't even begin to cover the anxiety (I have 2 pimples...okay 4ish), the worry, the intense preparation, the fear, and the relief when it is all over (only to realize that I'll have 2 more years of this...then the bar exam, fml).  So, if you're a praying person--please send a prayer my way--otherwise I'll take ANY and ALL positive thoughts.

*And what am I doing today?  Holing up at a coffee shop where no one can find me and Studying Property and Civil Procedure all day long (Luckily it's rainy, windy, cloudy, and chilly today).  My friend Laurel who is also a 1L and I are going to meet up later on today to discuss an entire semester of Property...and the Erie Doctrine.  If we do well discussing, we decided on the perfect reward: Red Mango :) (I'm guessing if we don't do well discussing we'll need some Red Mango to make us feel better too)!!!

Happy Monday Friends

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I hope you all have a family-filled, relaxing, and special Easter... Remember why we celebrate this holiday.

Happy Easter

Friday, April 22, 2011

Friday Faves

TGIF Friends.  This week, like the last few, has simply flown by.  I can't believe it is Easter on Sunday, two weeks of finals starts for us law students on Tuesday, and I run a half marathon with my sister-in-law in 9 days, C comes home in 9 days, and in 14 days my first year of law school is DONE (Just typing all of that sent me into a slight panic)!!!  Here are my latest and greatest from this past week--I hope one (or more) of them will become some of your favorite things too :)
1. David Rio Chai:  Specifically David Rio Sugar-Free Vanilla, Decaf Chai.  I know I mentioned this in passing last Friday when I was blogging about Sugar Bakers---but since I'm obsessed with it, I figured it deserved it's own paragraph.  I buy myself this decadent treat at Sugar Bakers (so far Sugar Baker's is the only place in Omaha that I can find it), and I'm not even kidding, I actually look forward to spending money on this so I can enjoy it at home!  I usually have a tiny cup before school--when I waking up, getting ready, and trying to remind myself that law school is only three years of my life...and then every once in a blue moon (like if I go on a long run) I'll let myself have another tiny cup in the evening.  I prefer it hot, but you can actually do it on the rocks, or as a smoothie (which I totally want to try with some Red Mango Yogurt this summer)!  If you're a chai drinker, or want to notch back your caffeine intake--this is the definite way to go!!!

2. Electronic Sticky Notes:  I'm a chronic note writer whether writing reminders on a napkin or my legal pad during class, writing down appointments on gum wrappers or on my hand, or sending myself an email after email from my blackberry.  Thankfully one of my friends welcomed me to the 20th century by showing me the "sticky note" program on my laptop.    I now 'jot' things down in a much more sophisticated manner when I (constantly) think "I need to remember this", or someone (mostly my mom) emails me about a family dinner, a dentist appointment, or picking something up--I put it on my electronic "sticky note" and then transfer it to my paper calendar AND my blackberry calendar.  On a side note--I love how I can make them different colors (For me: yellow for school, green for workout/misc, pink is to email/call, blue is blog/making bank (work)).  I also love the font--cause when I literally write out a post-it--my handwriting is NOT near as cute!

3. Adele:  Okay, I know that I'm a little (a lot) late on this one...but I'm on the bandwagon now.   Adele is an incredibly talented 22 year-old British singer,  she first gained widespread attention in the US when she performed on SNL when Sarah Palin was the guest star (17 million viewers that night)... Currently I'm obsessed with all of her songs on her album 21--but I wanted to share two of my favorites:  "Someone Like You" and "Turning Tables."  I'm very excited to see her continue to succeed, inspire, and grow as an artist...and if she ever comes to Omaha--you can bet I'll be there!!!

4. Coach "Barrett" Sneakers:  I can't pull off the athletic shoes with jeans look.  The few times I've tried I've heard a few things (a) "Oh, did you forget your shoes after you worked out?" (b) "OMG, you totally look like a soccer mom...cute." or (c) the overt stare.  Luckily, I  learned from experience that Coach has super comfortable dress shoes, and the price point is never too bad... So I decided to look for some grown up sneakers from Coach. I found these sneakers which are not only super comfortable, but they're adorable for the spring and summer, and I can wear them with jeans (among other things--I'm super excited to wear my pink pair with some white shorts or a white skirt when my legs get tan this summer), and they don't even come close to breaking the bank!!! I bought a couple pairs so I could have different colors, and I wish I would have bought duplicates because I love them that much!

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 5. Phone Calls:  I'm a chronic texter and emailer.  I'll admit it.  With about 97% of people I know, I would much rather have a conversation over text, BBM, or gmail.  However, this past week I've made a point to call instead of text...and just thinking about it while writing this is putting a huge smile on my face.  I got to actually hear vocal inflections, laughter, shock, and sarcasm--instead of reading a text or email a couple of times and trying to decipher it.  Most of the people that I called, I haven't been in the best touch with--so it was a lot more special than a text--and it allowed us to let the conversation go all over the place, instead of the structure and confinement of 160 characters.  Am I going to stop texting and only calling now?  Heck No!!!  However, my goal for the summer is to make at least 1 phone call a week to someone I was about to throw out a 'catch up' text to...will you try this with me!?

Hope you all have a great weekend in front of you and a very happy Easter!!!

Thanks for reading

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

"If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day."

-E.B. White

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mr. Wrong... Issue #14

My friend Erica is probably one of my most favorite law school people.  Not only is she extremely intelligent, hard-working, and so kind--she is also extremely witty...and she loves Red Mango (plus she and I think we would be fabulous talk show, really--we've discussed this in detail)!  I mean what an awesome combination!  I seriously could post about what a wonderful person she is--but instead I'll let you enjoy her Mr. Wrong Experience:

As college freshman we have all had our share of interesting experiences.  College wouldn’t be the same without them.  Well, my Mr. Wrong decided to follow me all the way from high school.  I went high school with…let’s just call him Logan (not his real name…I just like it).  Logan and I casually dated because we were in the same group of friends.  We had common interests: football, high school gossip, and trying to be popular (at the time all of these were life or death… one day I think we are all going to end up in therapy because of high school). 

Logan and I decided that we were going to go to our high school’s winter formal dance together.  We had a wonderful time but there just wasn’t that chemistry between us.  We were much better as friends than anything more. We continued to casually date until we realized things weren’t going anywhere since we were obviously going to different colleges in the fall.  I think part of the appeal was realizing it was not going to a serious relationship.  He accepted an athletic scholarship to play at a school in Oklahoma, which was multiple hours away from where I was going to school.

Once we moved to college our contact became infrequent if at all until one night.  Honestly not being a huge fan of the spot he played I never paid attention to the schedule of this sport at our own school.  Well little to my knowledge his school was playing my school in the fall of my freshman year.  I was busy and did not feel like going to the game and had honestly made other plans for that Saturday night. 

I had gone out with some of my girlfriends to do who knows what and later that night I got a very panicked call from my roommate.  She called to tell me an intoxicated male was banging on the door asking to let him in.  Granted in a college dorm in the wee hours of the morning being drunk isn’t exactly unusual but in this situation it was.  After some description I had the chilling realization it was Logan.  I realized he had played his game earlier in the evening and then gone out to have some fun. 

I wasn’t exactly sure what to do.  I don’t think freshman orientation tells you what to do in these situations.  So  I headed back to the dorms as my roommate decided she was going to call campus security.  As I was walking back I began thinking.  How did Logan know which dorm I lived in and how did he get in without and student ID, and finally how did he figure out which room I was in (later I found out he had to knock on every since door with the name “Erica” on it).  I was a little freaked out to say the least. 

Once I had gotten back to my dorm room a campus security officer was waiting for me and everyone living in my hall wanted to know what all of the commotion was about.  I was horrified.  I was told Logan had been taken to the campus security office and placed in their “jail cell” (read: closet with a half door).  I went and identified him and he was obviously mortified with the events that had transpired and after some awkward hellos I decided it was best to just leave and talk about this some other time.  Preferably once he was back in Oklahoma.  If that was not embarrassing enough campus police felt compelled to give me literature on stalking and psychologically abusive relationships.  Awkward. 

It was about a week later Logan got the guts to call me and tell me what exactly had happened.  Since that much time had past I thought it was funny and assumed it was a silly college prank, you know boys will be boys.  Well Logan thought something different.  He called explaining that he had a revelation realizing that we apparently were meant to be together
Fortunately we moved on with out lives and I was recently invited to his wedding (should I warn her?).  Later I also found out his mom called my mom (granted prior to this they had never really spoken) and explained the situation apologizing.  Why would you tell your mother about this!  You are in college. 

So as a Mr. Wrong I don’t know whether to classify this as run things through you mind before you travel cross country and potentially profess your love to someone or as making sure you define your relationship before you go and pull a stunt like this one. 

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sob Story

My Friend Clay called me last night.  He is pry one of the sweetest, best looking, funniest, caring boys from Texas that I know (the manners and accent don't hurt either)!!!  Clay is one of my friends who takes a genuine interest in my life--he wrote down when my finals were last semester so he would remember to pray for me, remebers the little comments that I make (i.e. I once told him a guy w/no ambition was a deal breaker in a relationship for me--when we were talking about what we look for in the opposite sex--he remembered that and reminded me of it (which may or may not have gotten rid of a Mr. Wrong), and he believes in me--which empowers me to do the same. 

Here is the clifnotes version of our phone call:

C:'s 10--I can't believe you're awake?
E: funny, i just brushed my i'm barely awake (there may have been a pause to take my retainer out).
C: How are you? How was your day?
C: That bad?
E: No...It was good.  It's just that sometimes (start sobbing again) I think people forget to ask me that--or if they do they don't wanna know (continue sobbing)...and you actually do.
C: Oh, Em. Wow. 
E: (Sobs are slowing subsiding) I'm so sorry...I can't believe I started crying...I'm mortified.
C: But don't you feel better?  I think we should laugh and cry everyday. Then tells me to watch this speech (Jimmy Valvano's 1993 ESPY speech) which I did this morning and it resulted in more tears.

I really don't normally cry or get emotional.  If I do, it isn't a public event.  Also, I normally don't go so in depth in coversations with a guy friend (i.e. people don't normally want to know about my day when they ask)...but I'm glad I did.  I'm so lucky to have someone like Clay in my life.  Someone who genuinely cares about me without wanting anything in return.  I wish I could be more like him in respect to friendships...and I wish I could cry and laugh a little more.

Tearfully Yours,



I make these fabulously long "to-do" lists...just so I can cross things I've already completed (earlier that day, week, month) off the list--and have that sense of accomplishment when I look at the list!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday Musings

Did you have a wonderful weekend?  I did...  I went to bed super early  (like 7.15pm) on Friday night (which is actually pretty typical--don't judge), then I worked at the coffee shop on Saturday from 6am-2pm, got in a fabulous outdoor workout, prepped for some tutoring, went to church, studied and skyped.  On Sunday I grabbed coffee with my mom and then studied all day (it wasn't warm outside--so I was okay with being indoors in front of my laptop outlining and practicing essay exams...really).

*My friend RCM is a genius--last week she sent me the Baby-Sitter's Club Gem that I shared with you...This week she sent me a thought provoking, albeit witty article on how Facebook could be ruining relationships.  What are your thoughts on this issue--after reading the article--or even prior to reading the article?

*Speaking of facebook...This lovely gentleman (rawr!) was on the right side of my newsfeed the other day (sandwiched between an advertisement for Running and another for Lilly). When I saw the advertisement I just about died... Fill me in of some of the advertisements that the book has targeted you with :)

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*On a random note--I've been playing "words with friends" with C while he is out of town--and it's like the coolest game ever.  Okay, maybe not the coolest--but it's fun, it involves solving anagrams in the form of a giant scrabble board (totally dorking out right now),  you can take as much or little time as you want to play this game, and winning (which I've yet to do--but the prospect of it is pretty exciting).  If any of you have this game on your iPod Touch, iPad, iPhone, etc. and want to play with me--if for no other reason than winning--let me know :) 

*Finally, does anyone else visit Some E Cards--Just for a laugh, or find something completely random and/or slightly inappropriate to send to a friend, family member or significant other?  I picked this gem in honor of tax day, and because it was blog appropriate! 

Happy Monday and Thanks for Reading!!!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Faves

Happy Friday Friends!!!  It's supposed to be kinda chilly this weekend, which hopefully will keep me pent up, as I have lots of studying to do to finish up this semester.  However, this past week has been beautiful outside--and I've had plenty of time to not only enjoy the weather (okay from looking out a window in the library) but also a little bit of time to enjoy life!  Here are my favorite things from this past week!

Sorry for the Picture Quality (blame my Blackberry)!
* Fruit Infusion Water Pitcher.  I am obsessed with this (I'm actually drinking some as I write this)...I bought it last week and have used it compulsively since.  I've tried strawberries, oranges, and am  using pineapple this weekend.  Basically it gives water just a hint of flavor, it looks super pretty, and is such a fun way to enjoy water--especially with the warmer weather (finally) here!  I bought mine at Sugar Bakers --and it was a great use of money! I'm so excited to try cucumbers, mint, and mango, and other fun combinations throughout the summer!!!  Ps-if you haven't been to Sugar Bakers yet--not only is it a darling is a MUST visit--they have a ton of Lolita Glasses (which I collect), phenomenal Coffee and David Rio Chai (the sugar-free, decaf vanilla is BEYOND), tons of fabulous gifty type items (think Mother's Day), and some really delicious food mixes...and I swear that's just the tip of the iceberg!!! 
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* Noxema in a Jar:  I know I am old school with this :)  I'm very rigid about washing my face, keeping my skin clear, and maintaining a complexion where if I don't want to or need to wear make-up--I don't have to.  I've sworn by my obagi products (and still do), my cetaphil, and now this--I've found my skincare trifecta.  I needed a deep-cleaning product that I could use that got off my make-up, got off the sweat post-workout, and any impurities from the air without drying out, irritating, or breaking out my skin...and I found it.  I bought this at Walgreens for 3 dollars (seriously!) but you can learn about it here.

* Swedish Fish:  I love Swedish Fish...Since they're fish they have to be healthy, promote weight loss, and are full of Omega-3s, right?! (If you believe that I have some oceanfront property in the Sahara I've been looking to sell...)  Okay maybe not so much, but they're delicious, they bring me back to childhood, and lately they've been one of my most favorite snacks.   I prefer the original flavor (red) but I pry wouldn't turn down their assorted 'aqua life' version.  The one thing I dislike is once I start eating the little box of them (usually a dollar at walgreens) I don't want to stop!!!
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* Asics Running Shoes:  I went on a super long run this past Monday night--and by the end of my run, I realized that I need a new pair of running shoes immediately following the Lincoln Half.  I was slightly annoyed because the shoes I use are kinda expensive, however they are amazing.  While using the Asics Gel Kayano 17--I haven't gotten shin splints, they have wonderful shock absorbation for my longer runs (I do not sprint), and they are like little pillows for my feet!  The best part of the story--I had forgotten this until Tuesday night when I was putting my winter shoes away for the year, but--for some reason or another I decided to stock up on my Asics while substitute teaching last year--and I have not one, but two new pairs of running shoes just waiting for me in the back of my closet!!!

Hope you get the chance to try one or two of my favorites this week!!! What are some of your favorite things from this past week?  Is there anything you think I should try for the upcoming week?

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

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“Promise yourself to be so strong that nothing can disturb your peace of mind. Look at the sunny side of everything and make your optimism come true. Think only of the best, work only for the best, and expect only the best. Forget the mistakes of the past and press on to the greater achievements of the future. Give so much time to the improvement of yourself that you have no time to criticize others. Live in the faith that the whole world is on your side so long as you are true to the best that is in you!”
-Christian D. Larson
My Friend BW sent this quote to me Monday morning, and I think it is simply beautiful.  These are the words of positivity I'll focus on while finishing my first year of law school...I definitely want to embody the meaning of this quote in all areas of my life.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mr. Wrong...Issue #13...An Exit Strategy (or five).

I have to let you know this is going to be my last Mr. Wrong for awhile--but no fear--I have some fabulous guest bloggers lined up for the next few Wednesdays to regale you with their (depressing) tales of their Mr. Wrongs!!! 

As you may or may not know I've had quite a track record dating winners...  I firmly believe that all of them (okay maybe not a few) will meet the most wonderful person to compliment or contrast their eccentricities, bad manners, or lack of life skills.   But alas, there are times when a girl needs an 'exit strategy' (especially with my track record)!  And I want to give you a few of my favorites, field tested by yours truly.  Enjoy!!!
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*The EMERGENCY EXIT approach.   I've employed this strategy with various Mr. Wrongs (one mentioned here).  This is a tried, true, and very vanilla approach.  Whether utilize a friend, your mom (cause you know she'll always have your back), or someone you meet at the bus stop, is up to you...just making sure you're both on the same page is when you text them a certain word (I've used "purple giraffe" in the past) or call them and just let it ring--they know to call you back.  When they call, they need to talk loudly (and somewhat hysterically) so your date overhears that--and your facial expressions need to be one of shock and surprise mixed with an appropriate level of somber.  Usually following the conversation you can duck out, or put the kibosh on all the fun you're having by asking for the check.  This usually doesn't result in a following date as you're too upset to plan for the near future, much less answer your phone when he calls to ask.

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*The SLOWLY DISTANCE YOURSELF approach.  My friend AK and I were chatting the other day--and he informed me this was a strategy he used on the that I think about it my friend DG said the same thing.  So Ladies, even if you don't use this--beware of this one--or at least--take the hint.  And Gentlemen, apparently this works well--so good luck if you need to employ this.  This approach is as simple as it sounds--no confrontation, no need to actually talk about your feelings or general sense of disdain/annoyance/disgust toward the other person--but just as AK put it "slowly distancing yourself so by the time you break the news (if you even have to) the other person knows what is coming and has had time to think about it and prepare for it."  Distancing does NOT mean revert to texting instead of phone calls, but instead slowly stop texting or calling.  Distancing also does NOT mean a restraining order (although it may give you the much needed distance)...

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*The HOUDINI approach.  Houdini was best known as an Escape Artist...which is why this approach fits so well here (and it may be one of my most favorites...but most difficult to pull off)!  Basically to pull a Houdini, so to speak, you need to disappear.   I have one friend who not only changed her number, her email, but she (gasp) deleted get away not from a relationship--BUT from someone she went on a few dates with...  I've heard from friends who had gone out with someone who disappeared and when they finally got in touch with that person--they had moved to another state (I'm giggling, cause I think it's funny, I know it's not).  This approach would be best for a Stage Five Clinger, as seen here... or for a crazy.  (Disclaimer--if you actually feel as if you're in danger, or others have expressed concern for your safety--contacting law enforcement and making a report would be a better choice than pulling a Houdini).

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*The SHOCK AND AWE approach.  If you have a flair for the dramatic, are a fabulous story teller, or your ethical code has no problem with a little fabrication--this may be the best approach for you.   (If you're a believer in Karma--or what goes around comes around--your 'story' will most likely end up biting you in the bootay).  With that being said, this is something you can have the most fun with--and it works best with someone who does not know you, know your story, basically someone you've only went on a few dates with.   Here are three sample 'stories' so to speak:

A) You could explain that your Aunt Thelma in Texas is moving in with you--and here's the thing--she doesn't like boys with Blue Eyes (dramatic pause) she had a traumatic experience with one chasing her home every day during the 2nd grade--from then on she'll throw fine china if she sees or even hears about one.   So as long as Aunt Thelma lives with me--I can't see you--pause for emotion--then rush out. 
B) You could always do an illness or death route.  I have never done this and will never do it because I really think that it brings bad karma--and I think it's really inappropriate to lie about something as intense as life or death (okay, I'm getting off my soap box now).
C)  You could begin talking to your invisible friend, you know Yolanda, she disappeared when you were 6 years old...and now she is back!!!  For example when your date asks you a question--simply defer to Yolanda...and then quizzically look at your date and ask why in the world he's not laughing at Yolanda's hysterical answer.  Or  ask the waitstaff at the restaurant to set a place for Yolanda, order for Yolanda, etc.  (If you ever can and do pull this one off with a straight face--PLEASE tell me the story)!

*The HONESTY approach.  This is my least favorite approach, but it is the one that my Mom advocates--so I'll admit it--I've employed this one the most.  I have to say at the time (having been on both the sending and receiving end of it) it really hurts at the time, but unlike the other approaches--there isn't the confusion, concern or forever wondering 'what was wrong with me?'  What you have to do, and not via post-it (a la Sex in the City), or via Text--is actually have a conversation with that certain someone in person, or on the phone.    I've learned through lots of trial and error--never put them on the defensive saying 'you made me feel like this,' 'you did this,' 'I don't like this about you...'  That usually escalates into them tearing you down.  Instead explain where you are at your specific stage of life (I'm in law school, and that keeps me really really busy...because of that I don't have time for a relationship--and I would love, if you'd be open to it, to form a friendship?).  You should also employ some positivity in this usually keeps the conversation pretty even.  (I really like how passionate, honest and funny you are--we have so much fun together--however there's no spark, no chemistry for me...I know with those qualities, along with so many of your other amazing qualities--you'll find someone that there is so much chemistry with...I wish it was me--but it's not--I'm sorry).  Again, my least favorite but most used one!
**(If you have a Mr (or Miss) Wrong--and we haven't talked about you guest blogging--and you want to--email me or just let me know).**

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I get my best thinking and 'cooling' down--driving to nowhere...

Is driving therapeutic for you too?!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday Musings

Image Credit
**My Friend RCM sent this to me and it is hysterical--as long as you grew up reading the Baby-Sitter's Club--then it's hysterical--I hope it adds some laughter to your Monday--it sure did to mine:

Image Credit
**What is your favorite easter candy?  I've been craving rice krispie treats lately or angel food cake (I sure hope my mom is reading this post)...and they both just sound so springy and delicious and healthy, definitely, healthy :D

**I saw a lisense plate while I was on my way to church yesterday "Be Nice" was what it said--and what a wonderfully simple reminder for me to do just that.  I have no problem with the "Be Happy" or "Be Positive" but sometimes just being nice to that person (and there are quite a few) who drives me crazy, to the person ringing me up at the gas station (surprisingly they weren't the one who drastically increased gas prices...grrrr), or even to myself

**I've been listening to a hugely ecclectic mix of music lately--but this song is one I could (and I do) listen to over and over again :) I hope you all have something wonderful planned for this week--I'll be studying quite a bit--but I have a few fun things that I'm going to make time for! 

If you haven't followed my blog--you should (all you do is click follow in the right sidebar)!!! And to those of you who have, thank you so much, it really does warm my heart!  Thanks for reading.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday Faves

T.G.I.F.!!!  This week has flown by.  I can't believe that it's APRIL, or that I have about a month of school left, and the best's the weekend.  Or as R.Kelly would say in his song Ignition "It's the freakin' weekend baby, I'm gonna have me some fun." (Yes, I just quoted R.Kelly).  Here are a few of my faves from this week:

*Extra Dessert Delights-Mint Chocolate Chip-When I chew gum it is some type of mint--spearmint, winterfresh, get the picture.  I'm opposed to fruity gum because it loses flavor so stinkin' fast, and I don't do cinnamon gum because it makes my tongue bumpy...  So to say I was reluctant to try this gum was an understatement, but now that I've tried it--I LOVE it.  Who would think that a Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream gum would actually be delicious, have a lasting flavor, and be 5 calories a stick?! (I'll admit the Key Lime was really good too--but it dissolved when I went running while chewing some, which was kinda gross).  If you haven't tried the dessert delights by Extra--go out and get some!

Skype:  I installed skype awhile ago...and haven't really appreciated it/used it til this past week.  I am a total skype junkie now.  I really don't have a whole lot to say about skype other than it is a wonderful way to see someone you want to see but can't...  For me it's better than a phone call because I say things that I think are funny but without my expression they're skype helps me be funny (no, really)... and it's free :) 

Benefit Eye Bright:   Twice a year, around the last month of school my eyes get bags under them, look like slits most of the time, and for lack of a better comparison--it looks like I had a really fun night before--when in reality I was studying, and sleeping fitfully because of stress and dreams about finals.  Since I'm not a famous rapper, I can't pull of the sunglasses indoors look...but thanks to benefit's eye bright I don't need to.  This little pencil which I apply like eyeliner on my bottom lid--and then in the corners of my top lid--actually brighten my eyes, and make them appear like they're open, and sparkling...all when they're not!  I got mine at sephora, but you can get yours right here :)

Stepmill:  I don't know why this is one of my faves--as my current relationship with it is one of love/hate.  I can't stand using this machine, but I'm a glutton for punishment, I actually am sore the next day, and it's great to actually suffer through a I do it.  Plus, it's nice to change up my workout from running--even though I have a half marathon (with my sister-in-law) in about 23 days (not that I'm counting)...  If you haven't ever tried this--do it.  You'll hate your life while using it, but it's such a great workout, that by your next cardio session--you'll be back on it :)

Tenth Avenue North--"By Your Side": To say that I'm extremely hard on myself and a perfectionist would be an understatement.  The times in my life where things don't go as planned, the things I can't control, or things that just hurt--are for me, like they are for everyone--Painful.  A couple years ago, I was going through a rough spot, when my mom sent me this song--letting me know the lyrics were true of God--and true of her and my dad.  It wasn't what I wanted to hear at the time, but it was what I needed to hear.  Lately, I feel as if this song has become even more applicable in certain situations...and it is such a comfort to hear the song, and listen to the lyrics--and know that I have someone on my side.  (They don't have a music video made, and this is just a random compilation of pictures--that I've never fully watched--nonetheless enjoy!).

Thanks for Reading...Have a Wonderful Weekend!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Mark Twain

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mr. Wrong...Issue #12

My first Mr. Wrong was the boy I 2nd Grade.  It was love at first glance, as our desks were across from each other--and it was really cool to pass we passed a lot of notes.  One of those notes was asking me if I liked him (the check yes or no kind) and I checked yes...and so marked the beginning of our whirlwind love affair.  We sat by each other at lunch.  We sat next to each other during DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) time.  Oh, and we played Chase on the playground.  It was 2nd Grade Bliss. 

About 3 or 4 days into our relationship, he brought me a ring (like the kind you buy at the supermarket for 50 cents) and asked if I would marry him...via the 'yes, no, maybe' note.  (To my lovely gentlemen readers out there, even though I said yes to this proposal--I wouldn't try the 50 cent ring route).  I said yes.  I was were my classmates.  We had something to break up the boredom of meal worms, weather forecasting, and creative writing.  A real live wedding.

One of my friends was our minister, one of his friends was the ring bearer, we made invitations, and both of us dressed up (yep suit and dress) for the day we got married under the oak tree on the playground.  I should have known our union was doomed when he tried to kiss me (with the you may now kiss the bride part) and I dropped my dandelion bouquet, screamed, and sprinted.

We thankfully made up with a hug...and then...not even a half hour later he wanted kids.  eg. adopting classmates as our kids.  To say I was not okay with this on so many levels was an understatement--so I said I'd think about it...which at that time, and still today means "oh heck no."  So the next day, I retained prestigious legal counsel (myself) and drew up my first legal document--divorce papers...and had him served right before lunch.

It was a messy divorce--thankfully no custody battles, or property battles.  Unfortunately, I wasn't able to obtain a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order)...and still had to sit across from him for the remainder of the quarter.  He would still write me notes, asking about remarriage, alimony (no, really), and if I wanted him to walk home with me...  Luckily we got a transfer student in the middle of the last quarter--and she became the (new) apple of his eye. 

So, friends, that was my first (of many) Mr. Wrongs.  2nd Grade Wedded Bliss Gone bad...

Thanks for Reading,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I'll write letters to people I know I'll never give them to...  For some reason actually writing (not typing) and through that expressing my feelings, emotions, and thoughts give me such a peace about whatever situation I'm going through. 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday Musings

*It's windy today (like 25-40mph gusts).  I stopped to get gas on the way to class--and I swear my hair looked like a beehive after standing outside--waiting for my car to fill up.  Not gonna lie, I worked that look for about 2 seconds...until I heard that little voice in my head that sounded suspiciously like my mom "you're not going to keep your hair like that...are you?"  So, mama, if you're reading this--my hair is side-parted and straight :)

*Finals are in 3 weeks. Yes, 3 weeks.  I think I'm officially to the point of 'hot mess'/'stress ball'/'ohmygosh' mode.  On the positive side after the two weeks of finals--I can become a fun person again...and I'll never have to be a 1L again--instead I'll just have 2 years of law school left.  On the negative side 2 weeks of finals, the final is our only grade for each pressure or stress at all.

* I'm really really really happy about something.  But I'm not ready to blog about it yet. But I just wanted to tell you that I'm really really really happy about something.

* I'm pondering buying a bike.  A used one, because I don't know if I'll love it enough to justify spending a kajillion dollars on a new one.  I looked at it yesterday, and it was really sweet.  I think I asked all the right questions (this part of being a grown up really freaks me out), and I didn't buy it on the spot (even though I wanted to).  It's a 'Specialized' Mountain bike, new tires, shimiano components, and it's a really pretty blue.  If/When I buy it, I'll post picttures :)

Happy Monday Friends and Thanks for Reading
