It's Okay
...that I just realized (at 6.30pm) that it's Thursday...
...that I haven't blogged since I started school (I'll try to be good over the long weekend)...
...that I've become obsessed with myFitnessPal (follow me EHA73145) and look anything and everything up (even the extra shot of espresso I just added to my Sbux)... say "No" to a lot of things I would have said "Yes" to a few months ago to keep my sanity...
...that I've been taking it easy at the gym so my fractured ribs can heal...
...that I've been daydreaming about frozen margaritas after I worked out this morning...
...that I don't have any 'concrete' plans for the Holiday Weekend, and I couldn't be happier about it...
...that I'm planning on eating some PB2 as a snack tonight...
Happy Thursday Friends!!!