I love being busy.
As of right now I have 4 different to-do lists, and that's not counting the countless reminders on my iPhone, or the 'sticky notes' on my laptop...
I also thrive (academically) from stress, because that's when, and how I perform my best. However, I always forget how finals time makes me crazy--like not sleep, over analyze everything, second guess myself, hate law school, and want to eat copious amounts of candy type of crazy.
I have a performance based final in one class tomorrow, and another on Thursday where a partner and I do a trial from start to finish...
Then, real finals week starts the last week in April.
To add insult to injury, I have a huge project for work due...like 1400 pages of reading, and then condensing it into a 50 page brief.
As a side note, I had a pretty great weekend.
One Bright Spot: I went mini golfing on Friday night...where I had a hot pink ball and got 2 hole-in-ones. Not even kidding, I'm crossing my fingers that my 'lucky' streak from the mini golf course translates to the next couple weeks at school.
And of course, to anyone and everyone going through finals over the next few weeks--Good Luck!!!
(I heard this song while studying today--and couldn't help but post it... :D)