Wednesday, August 31, 2011

PCH's Wedding Weekend

Once upon a time...there was the most beautiful girl who was head over heels in love with a wonderful guy.  He proposed to her on Christmas Eve 2010...and they got married about 8 months later...August 27, 2011.

The fun started on Thursday with nail appointments for everyone...
(and a spray tan to fix the tan lines on this girl ;D)

All of us got a little bag full of goodies...nail polish, lipgloss, hand sanitizer, lotion, and a sparkley nail file!!!
On Friday the fun continued with a beautiful bridal luncheon

EA, AG, LS, (the beautiful bride) PCH, MES and SK

The table settings were so much fun I loved how bright and cheerful they were, and I Adored the centerpieces :)
We got even more goodies...I'm already using my bag that our presents came in!!!

...and went into the night with the rehersal at the church than a delicious rehersal dinner at Charlies on the Lake...

PCH was simply radiant!!!
On Saturday Morning we woke up early-ish to get our hair done!!! I've never had an updo before and decided to bite the bullet... 

I brought a picture of Jessica Alba's updo...and my stylist did an incredible job of copying it :)

The getting pretty continued with an Appointment with CAM at the MAC Counter for their "MAC Me Over" Event
Giving the beautiful bride a huge hug!!!
My older brother DGA was in the wedding...we snuck in a picture or two while waiting for the real pictures to be taken!!!
(I'm definitely getting this picture framed) :)
CI, BS and KHA...Our boquets were bright and beautiful--they went perfectly with our dresses!  Speaking of our dresses, PCH let us choose whatever style of dress we wanted--they were all fabulous--so it was sorta hard to choose :)

The fun Continued throughout the Night...and into the next morning :)

And PCH and her new HUSBAND...well they lived Happily Ever After!


Monday, August 29, 2011

Case of the Mondays

You know that scene from Office Space...?  I know, I know, that entire movie is a classic--so here is a 7 second refresher ;) and it might just describe how awesome I'm feeling today!

My weekend--Incredible.  Being with PCH on her big day was such an honor...  It was a blast--trust me--I'm still struggling (like ibuprofen--giant bottle of Gatorade--huge cup of coffee level of struggling).   I haven't uploaded my pictures yet, so I think I'll do my weekend recap post tomorrow!!!

On a lighter note...since I was the antithesis of a fun-hater this weekend, I am super overwhelmed (and it's only the second week of my 2L year).  Like a couple hundred pages of reading to do, an appellate brief due for work tomorrow, an interview at a clothing store tonight (because my retail therapy desperately deserves a discount), and about 100 other things to accomplish by 5pm tomorrow.  However, I did get up and go to spin class this morning, so my to-do list has ONE thing checked off.

My Light at the end of the tunnel...4 day week next week!!!

Oh, and because my spin instructor played a remix of this song ...and it's STILL in my head (thankfully I like it) I thought I'd share the original version with you:

Love y'all :)

Friday, August 26, 2011

To PCH With Love

One of my dearest, kindest, most awesome, prettiest, funniest, and of course coolest friends: PCH is getting married this weekend.

The festivities started last night...and will continue through the "I Dos" on Saturday Night...

I know she'll be the most beautiful bride, because she's one of the most beautiful people I know both Inside and Out.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Inspiration...

"Success is more permanent
when you achieve it
without destroying your principles..."

-Walter Cronkite

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday

**Amazing Spin Class This Morning...and my workout buddy EH is back!!!**

**Twizzler Ropes**

**PCH's Wedding Weekend Festivities Start TOMORROW!!!**

**I'm planning a slightly impromptu trip to NorCal (aka WINE COUNTRY) for a long weekend in September (before law school gets too chaotic)...I bought my tickets today!**

**I bought my Robert Randoloph and the Family Band Tickets yesterday**

**Happy Hour with the Ambulance Chasers (our law school running/biking club that I'm an officer of this year) tonight**

**So far I'm loving my classes this semester, mind you I'm only on the third day...but maybe this means I won't have those long pity party posts near the end of the semester**


What are you loving on this Wednesday!?

Be Blessed my Friends!!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hex Nut Bracelet DIY

On Sunday I spent part of my day with my friend TMA.  She, unlike me is extremely crafty and creative.  She mentioned she needed to go to the hardware store to buy supplies for bracelet making.  I was immediately intrigued, mostly because I'm really into bracelets lately--but also because I don't normally make a correlation between the hardware store and bracelets.  I followed a step by step I found here.  However I'll try to give you a brief synopsis of how to make a simpler version of the Giles & Brother braided hex nut bracelet that is retailing for $200 for less than $4!!!

We Started at the hardware store.  Each of us got 20 1/4 inch hex nuts (.09cents/hex nut).  We split the cost of the twine ($4.99). 

After cutting 3 one yard pieces of twine, tie a know about 2 inches from the top.  (I secured mine with tape to a solid surface which made the entire project MUCH easier).  I then braided about an inch and a half down...

Starting at the left string add one hex nut and then braid the left string over the middle.  Make sure to PINCH the hex nut and the string to hold it in place.  Repeat to the right side by adding one hex nut to the right sting and then braiding the right string over to the middle. Again...remember to PINCH at the base after each additional hex nut is added. 

Keep repeating the process of adding hex nuts to the L then the R side...pinching securely at the base :)

After you do your desired number of hex nuts (I believe I bought 20, but just used 18)...resume braiding about 1 and a half inches...then knot that side.
Just a lil bit of hardware store glam. 

I'm wearing my bracelet exactly like this today...(I had a couple j.crew bangles on--but that was a bit much) :)  

How are you going to wear your hex nut bracelet?!

Monday, August 22, 2011


  Today is the first day of my second year (2L) of law school.  Last year at this time I was feeling a mixed bag of emotions--fear, excitement, anxiety, hope....A year later I still have a mix of emotions--but they're more on the positive side...I'm excited to see my friends, I'm excited to take classes of my choosing (kinda my choosing), I'm slightly miffed about the amount of reading I've had to do (this past weekend) to prepare for classes and of course nostalgic wondering where in the world has my summer gone?!

I have my books and planners ready for my 6 (first semester) classes... (evidence, secured transactions, trusts and estates, professional responsibility, legal writing II, and a seminar on armed conflict)

And of course my notebooks ready for the classes that don't allow laptops :)

I think know that this is going to be my best year as of yet...and I can't wait to share it all with you!!!

Happy Monday Friends :)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gleek-ing Out :)

I am a self-proclaimed Gleek.  I root for Rachel Berry, I swoon when Blaine (or Puck) sings, I laugh at Sue Sylvester's antics....and honestly I don't know what I'll do after this season ends and my favorite characters retire...uh I mean graduate.  Here are a few of my favorite songs from Glee, I thought I'd limit myself to sharing 4 with you.  Enjoy your Tuesday!!! oxo

I Wanna Hold Your Hand by the Beatles is probably one of my favorite songs.  This remake with the purity of Chris Colfer's voice--beautiful.

Back in the day...this TLC Song Was Always On the Radio...Mashed with a Song from one of my favorite musicals (West Side Story)--Pretty Sweet Combination.  
(With this commentary can you tell why I decided NOT to be a music critic!? ;D)

Adele is currently a favorite artist--but until Gwyneth did this song--I didn't listen to the Gwyneth in general is just amazing...I really wish she would come back to Glee on a regular basis :)

I couldn't resist sharing this song...I love the musical Wicked.  My friend Morgan introduced me to some of the the music, and it wasn't until I saw it live that I fully appreciated the story, the characters and all of the music.  I think this duet of For Good sung by Chris Colfer and Lea Michele gives the Wicked Cast a definite run for their money.

Okay, enough Gleek-ing out for now...Is anyone going to see the movie?  I was until I read the review--now I think I'll just wait for it to come on HBO or out on dvd! THANKS FOR READING!!!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Weekend Recap (Tons of Pictures!!!)

It's not that I was lazy last's just that I was overwhelmed, and I'm still trying to catch my breath--or at least keep breathing :)  So I'll give you the last two weekends (you're welcome) in some pictures!!!

Spent Friday Afternoon with Erin and her bf at the Cox Classic (A Golf Tourney --the Nationwide Tour-- Played in Omaha).  This was after I met Matthew Rosenfeld (hot Texas golfer) while he was practicing on the range...and he gave me some tips on my swing and told me he thought I was pretty cute...or something along those lines ;) (nothing like an ego boost to start the weekend)!
That night Ally, Andrew, Grant and I went out... This picture is a couple glasses of wine in, and pre going out to Pitch (delish) for Pizza and their Artichoke Salad (which I'm obsessed with)...then to Grant's new place so he could show off the icredible job I did organizing his closet...then to a bar we could walk to with some fabulous mojitos :)
Somehow Grant and I were champs and managed to wake up early the next morning in order to spend all day Saturday at the Cox Classic :)  We ended up walking the course and following this really cute golfer who wore Lulu Lemon--James Love--which was so much fun, considering I normally sit in one of the boxes and watch the golfers finish either on the 9th or 18th green.  Since we walked so much we ended our day in the Grey Goose Suite enjoying a few golf inspired cocktails :)

Saturday Night I went to PCH's Bachelorette Party :)  It was fabulous!  I had so much fun--I absolutely LOVE this picture...and I can't wait for her wedding, which is in about 12 days!!!!!!

Sunday I went back to the Cox Classic, and followed James Love again.  I met up with a guy named Anthony who is one of James' friends, who Grant and I had met the day was nice to have someone (who was really good looking, nice, funny, and smart) to walk with--especially because he explained a few things to me about life--and golf (plum bobbing anyone!?)
I met mom and dad for lunch after walking the course...and I  indulged in the most delicious drink made around my favorite type of alcohol (Grey Goose Citron)!!!
Monday my friend Tommy and I golfed in a tournament benefitting domestic violence.  The weather was ideal and Tommy is a scratch golfer--which is kinda an he and I walked away with some pretty awesome prizes :)
 That was last weekend--here's a recap of this past weekend :)

Friday Night my Friend Morgan was in town from NorCal...(She is one of my oldest friends--we've pry been friends for at least 22 years, but who's counting?!) we grabbed a few drinks on the patio at Crave!  And planned a trip for me to come vist her and her hubby, and some winerys in September!   After that I met up with my friend Christine and we saw Friends With Benefits.  Aside from some super uncomfortable "intimate" scenes, we both thought it was so cute :)

 Saturday I worked out, laid by the pool,  ran a few errands, went to church, and hung out with these cuties :)   We went to the playground, played monopoly, drew pictures (which are now hanging in our office at work) and wrote each other letters.  Sorry for the quality of the picture--I took it on my blackberry :S

Sunday Night Erin, Christine, Adna, Kailee and I went to Darios in Dundee for dinner.  4 of the 5 of us had never been there...and it definitely did not disappoint!  It was so good, but slightly nostalgic as we've clerked together all summer and school starts in a week. Wuff to that.
Fill me in was your weekend?!  As always, thanks for reading...and be blessed today :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Inspiration

"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
-Audrey Hepburn

Fill me in Friends...what do YOU Believe in?

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

S*ht This Dude Said...#1 (Guest Post)

This was a guest post from CAM...I hope you enjoy the first (and hopefully not the last) weekly installment of S*ht This Dude Said!!! I'm really looking forward to not only hearing your feedback...but also your stories as well. oxo EHA
As a faithful “Classes Cases and Chaos” reader, I was honored when EHA asked me to guest blog for her Sh*t This Dude Said section. I have been a victim of more of these tall-tales that dudes tell than I realize because honesty is always the best policy for me and because of this, I automatically assume the same is true for everyone else…boy am I living in a fantasy world.
When EHA and I were hashing over ideas for Sh*t This Dude Said, I shared with her the following story and now I'll share it with you...the lovely blog reader:
A little background:
I was in Chicago for a pre-wedding bridesmaid get together for my friend ALW. We hit up our usual Chicago stomping grounds: Wrigleyville. The typical Wrigleyville bar is the sports-divey sort due to the close proximity to the hallowed grounds of Wrigley Field (Can you guess my favorite baseball team?). However,  this time we decided to hit up one of the dance clubs. Wrigleyville was particularly packed this evening due to the fact that it was Pride Weekend in Chicago. While dancing with my Chicago-area friends in a very packed dance floor, I was approached by a very…very good looking guy in a very low cut v-neck tee who was surrounded by at least 5 girls. We will call him “Stanley” due to his “job”: Professional Hockey Player.
CAM: “Are you from Chicago?”
Stanley:” From here, but I live in NYC and DC.”
CAM: “That is interesting. Why do you live in both places?”
Stanley: “I play Professional Hockey in DC for the Capitals, but I live in NYC”
(whips out his phone and presents me with a picture of him in a bona-fide Washington Capitals Jersey with full gear…on the ice)
CAM:   thinking to myself:  “OMG I love sports…and Pro Athletes”
(I’m just going to go out on a limb here…I might as well have the phrase “Jersey Chaser” tattooed on my forehead…moth to a flame. )
Stanley: “I came in town for the Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup celebration tomorrow; the girls I am with are my cousin and her friends…My cousin has a sweet roof-top pool at her apartment do you want to head back there with us”
This is where my lack of swimsuit and better judgment (thankfully) kicked in
CAM: “As much fun as that sounds…I'm gonna take a rain-check”
Stanley: ”Ok…well heres my email because I really think we need to be Facebook friends”
CAM: “Later”
Later that night, I looked up Stanley on Facebook and came across his name. I like to consider myself an amateur private investigator using a little tool I like to call “Google”
Turns out, Stanley wasn’t a professional hockey player at all, just a college player from a prestigious university. Once I got back to Omaha I was hashing my weekend over with my friend KHP:
CAM: “What I don’t get is how he got that picture of him on the ice in full gear… with other players? Photoshop Master?”
KHP: “Maybe he was a Make-A-Wish Wish Kid.”

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Summer Makeup

I don't know about the rest of you...but it has been HOT where I am this summer.  And not just the normal heat, but more like a frizz the straightest hair, melt your face off, bake dashboard cookies (yes I found a recipe in our local paper) in your car while your at work type of heat.  As good of a look sweating though my makeup is for me, I've found a few things that have not only given me a 'sweat proof', summery, and pretty reasonably priced look--that I thought I'd share with you :)  Enjoy!!!
Image Credit

Tarte "4-Day Stay": I always think raccoon eyes because of my mascara dripping off due to the heat is a great look.  However, the general population doesn't seem to agree with that.  I've also mentioned in past posts (say that 10xs fast) that I love the natural look...and this covers both those problems.  It keeps lashes long, full, and dark for 4 days (I've definitely used this in the pool, steam room, long bike rides) and it has lived up to the hype.  I'm a little embarrassed of how light my lashes are, so I may apply it every 3ish days...but that's just me.  I again, bought this at Sephora...but you can buy yours right here!!!

Image Credit
Urban Decay "All Nighter": This product claimed to set makeup for 16 hours...and it not only lived up to that...but it also has made my makeup SWEAT PROOF in the good ol' Nebraska heat. After applying you just spray your face (I usually spray my forehead area and then each cheek) and it sets your makeup without changing its appearance.  I've also noticed when I've used this that I don't have to oil blot like I normally do in the afternoon!!!  My favorite part (aside from how awesome the product is) is the large amount of product you get for the price.  I got mine at Sephora, but you can learn about this right here!
Image Credit

Benefit "That Gal":  This skin brightening primer has become one of my summer favorites.  Mainly because I wear it alone--and my skin looks flawless...not to mention it smells like roses.  I've also tried it under my MAC Tinted Moisturizer (which I've mentioned here) and it really adds dimension to one of my favorite standbys!  I bought my product at sephora, but you can read about it right here!!!

Dolce and Gabanna "Light Blue": I've been wearing this since 6th grade.  My friend MBG got me hooked...and since then it has been my go to scent.  I don't know if it's the humidity and heat here that really emphasize this perfume, but I don't think I've ever gotten so many compliments on my Light Blue before.  I love how it is a light, citrus, feminine scent--perfect for the dog days of summer, which are still upon us.  I normally get mine at Von Maur, but you can check it out right here.
Image Credit

 Stila "All Over Shimmer" Luminous Gold: I'm not huge into wearing foundation during the summer, I stick to my aforementioned MAC tinted moisturizer or nothing at all.  However, I discovered this product (at Sephora) and I am hooked.  I put it on the apples of my cheeks or on my cheekbones and blend it it--and I am literally radiant.  I tried it once mixed in to one of my Stila Foundations, and my skin looked like that 'dewy' glow that all the celebrities always have.  You can learn about it right here!!!

What are you go to makeups or make up tricks for the summer weather!?  Or just for that straight off the beach-sun kissed look!?  I'd love to know!!! oxo

Monday, August 1, 2011

Weekend Recap

It's Monday Again... This weekend ending thing is turning into quite a cruel joke.  I can't say that my weekend was 'epic' or anything along those lines, but it was pretty good...and there's a chance that I may have set a record for 'naps taken' (don't judge).

Friday I got home from work after stopping at the gym...and took a 5 hour nap. I then woke up and ate some veggie flatbread...and went to bed and slept for 12 hours.   (Sleep Total 17hrs)    

Started my Saturday at the gym with an amazing spinning class.  I always think it makes a huge difference when the music is great--and it definitely was  (Gaga, Journey, Britney, etc.).  Plus the instructor varied every single thing.

Following Spinning I took a long weekend walk with LJ.  She and I meet at the same trail every Saturday and walk and catch up from our respective weeks.  LJ is definitely my person in law school , and one of my best 'real life' friends too--so half of our walk is probably an ab workout thanks to all of our laughter.

After that, I cleaned up...came home and took a 3 hour nap (Sleep total 20 hours).
Following my nap I met up with CC, EH, KS, and AZ at the wine bistro at brix.

Each of the tables had different types of wine that lit up at the end of them...we were obviously sat at the "Malbec" table, ironically none of us drank any Malbec.

All over the Wine Bistro were stations like this where you inserted a 'card' and then pushed a button and either 1 oz, 2.5 oz, or 5 oz of wine would pour.  Some of the wines were average, and then others were 'high end'--which was a great way to try new things.  I ended up trying Skinny Girl Margarita (don't judge).  We all ended up getting different Martinis, and one was MORE than enough--they were so strong, but delicious. The food was delicious--I had an avacado cappeco (sp?) salad...and I'm already making excuses to get back there to have another one!!!

KS, AZ and EH

CC and Myself 

After Brix we decided to go see Crazy Stupid Love.  It was SO Good.  The story line was really cute, the actors were great, and not gonna lie Ryan Gosling was some really nice eye candy :)  The only bad part was that we had to sit in the 2nd row because we had so much fun at Brix, and let the time get away from us.

Sunday I woke up after a good 10 hours of sleep (Sleep Total 30 hours), worked out and then went to church with RKW.  The sermon was really powerful--on the rapture--and the scripture readings were fantastic.  After church RKW and I hung out for a bit, caught up on our respective lives, plans for the week, etc. From there I came home and did some family stuff my mom had planned and then worked on an excel spreadsheet for a couple hours...and since that lulled me into a state of drowsy--I took a 3 hour nap (Sleep Total 33 hours)

Nothing like a relaxing weekend to get me motivated to wake up for a 545am spinning class Monday morning :)  Did you have a great weekend?! Fill Me in!!!

Ps-After Sunday Night's Sleep Total for the weekend: 42 HOURS!!!