This was a guest post from CAM...I hope you enjoy the first (and hopefully not the last) weekly installment of S*ht This Dude Said!!! I'm really looking forward to not only hearing your feedback...but also your stories as well. oxo EHA
As a faithful “Classes Cases and Chaos” reader, I was honored when EHA asked me to guest blog for her Sh*t This Dude Said section. I have been a victim of more of these tall-tales that dudes tell than I realize because honesty is always the best policy for me and because of this, I automatically assume the same is true for everyone else…boy am I living in a fantasy world.
When EHA and I were hashing over ideas for Sh*t This Dude Said, I shared with her the following story and now I'll share it with you...the lovely blog reader:
A little background:
I was in Chicago for a pre-wedding bridesmaid get together for my friend ALW. We hit up our usual Chicago stomping grounds: Wrigleyville. The typical Wrigleyville bar is the sports-divey sort due to the close proximity to the hallowed grounds of Wrigley Field (Can you guess my favorite baseball team?). However, this time we decided to hit up one of the dance clubs. Wrigleyville was particularly packed this evening due to the fact that it was Pride Weekend in Chicago. While dancing with my Chicago-area friends in a very packed dance floor, I was approached by a very…very good looking guy in a very low cut v-neck tee who was surrounded by at least 5 girls. We will call him “Stanley” due to his “job”: Professional Hockey Player.
CAM: “Are you from Chicago?”
Stanley:” From here, but I live in NYC and DC.”
CAM: “That is interesting. Why do you live in both places?”
Stanley: “I play Professional Hockey in DC for the Capitals, but I live in NYC”
(whips out his phone and presents me with a picture of him in a bona-fide Washington Capitals Jersey with full gear…on the ice)
CAM: thinking to myself: “OMG I love sports…and Pro Athletes”
(I’m just going to go out on a limb here…I might as well have the phrase “Jersey Chaser” tattooed on my forehead…moth to a flame. )
Stanley: “I came in town for the Chicago Blackhawks Stanley Cup celebration tomorrow; the girls I am with are my cousin and her friends…My cousin has a sweet roof-top pool at her apartment do you want to head back there with us”
This is where my lack of swimsuit and better judgment (thankfully) kicked in
CAM: “As much fun as that sounds…I'm gonna take a rain-check”
Stanley: ”Ok…well heres my email because I really think we need to be Facebook friends”
CAM: “Later”
Later that night, I looked up Stanley on Facebook and came across his name. I like to consider myself an amateur private investigator using a little tool I like to call “Google”
Turns out, Stanley wasn’t a professional hockey player at all, just a college player from a prestigious university. Once I got back to Omaha I was hashing my weekend over with my friend KHP:
CAM: “What I don’t get is how he got that picture of him on the ice in full gear… with other players? Photoshop Master?”
KHP: “Maybe he was a Make-A-Wish Wish Kid.”